

Jody creates music as DJ 1999, a very amateur indie effort, with some good songs; he's also written fiction, poems, scripts and done very small films 



Icons above take you to DJ 1999 music on major platforms. You can also try saying, "Hey Siri, play some DJ 1999." Or "Hey Alexa, play DJ 1999." Or "Hal, play the DJ 1999." See if it works. Not many people listen and hasn't performed live, but computers know DJ 1999.

Below are latest albums, "The Flow" and "Best Friend Final Boss Boss Fight," and top tracks on Spotify. Also a sort of video for The Ends of Trilogies: Part 1, first half of a '23 album with cover art commissioned from Haus of Decline. Streaming platform songs are best but more on Soundcloud (see image), such as the DJ 1999 Night Dance Party Remixes playlist, and in other YouTube and beekman33-produced videos.

DJ 1999 likes to note some of his favorite music stuff (disclosure: could be friends) includes: Stan Killian, Stephen SimpsonYoung Bugs and left.hnd. Why don't you check them out instead? 


Jody was in bands called "Günter Grass," "The Experience/Experience Channel," "Spiff" and "The Kryptic Bagels." Saw Ice Berg as a funny rap name. (Just rapped as Jody.) Now making songs in a closet, basically. You might like some. Really.



Jody's also been involved with very small budget films. Below is Jackie's in Trouble, an action-adventure comedy about a man on the run turning to his friends from Queens, and Frugal Paradise: The Making of the Movie 'Slow,' an ahead-of-its-time mockumentary about two indie filmakers making a lost 'Hitchcock' script from a garage sale, with a bomb stopping a minivan from going too fast. Both by Relative Hat Productions, a dormant nonprofit production cooperative led by Colin McCabe, Thomas Kash, Brendan McGinn & Jody. (Not best actor.)

And here's a link to this review by the best film guy on the Internet, Tim Brayton at Alternate Ending. (Disclosure: Donation request.) There's a JiT-inspired song and video featuring John Crave and the Bother. "Well Wishes," a 24-hour contest short by RHP, in hindsight is better at 1.75x speed with music.


JiT-inspired Music Video

JiT- With Commentary


Next video is a draft radio play of a screenplay written by Gen AI with a sequential set of targeted prompts by Jody, "Genesis Paradox Redux." It's a story/parody, about what if SkyNet had sent back a Terminator to influence James Cameron in writing The Terminator (1984). It came out amazing, an edge case proof of the power of computers under human direction, despite the need for high skepticism about AI and other innovations. Music is from DJ 1999. Also a TikTokArt project.




Jody published this poem with Gelf Magazine, which was a good smart general interest online magazine. Jody also has written a lot of other poems over time. His early process was discussed in a book by a great high school teacher. He did some blogging about blogging and writing about film writing for Gelf. He's also done restaurant reviews, gift guides, movie reviews, band spotlights, campaign coverage, an award-winning feature on memorablia collecting and extensive local sports and hard news/general interest reporting, with examples starting back as part of an award-winning team at the Southampton Press: Western Edition.  


Other completed drafts of creative writing include a spec screenplay Punch-Up for Ike Barinholtz about a script doctor/rewrite man in the streaming era (completed ahead of Hollywood labor actions), which Ike has probably never seen (dream soundtrack below), and The Followers, the first book in a YA series about the shadowy manipulation of social media influencers that was abandoned as draft was finished in '16 after content consideration. He worked as an intern and script reader providing treatments on plays, books and screenplays in the East Coast literary department of Sony's Columbia Pictures in New York under Drew Reed in '98, summer of Can't Hardly Wait and Godzilla (1998) for Sony.

That's a novella he finished in college. He's tried writing a Strawberry-Gooden biopic and has some of: screenplays about Roman poet Catullus and for a pyschological horror film, The Boy in Union, inspired by true events; a novel inspired by Freud's Moses and Monotheism and first book in a hard SciFi post-apocalyptic series with a samura-like robot, Tender Metal Shepard; pilots and first season outlines for prestige TV dramas revolving around the new "Tombs" prison in 1901 New York (with McGinn) or a rising Wall Street trader in the 2004-08 period; and Lost: and Almost in America, a confused second-person novella taking place aboard a transatlantic flight. He's happy to discuss these ideas. Certainly with Ike or Jim.


Probably worth mentioning somewhere, Jody did copy-editing on, and is thanked in, Cubeo Hehénewa Religious Thought, by anthropologist Irving Goldman. (Disclosure: Goldman was dating his grandma, Sonya, while he worked on it. Goldman, a protégé of Franz Boas and Margaret Mead who stood up to the Red Scare, published this last book posthumously. A fictionalized version of Sonya as a little girl working a soda fountain in upstate New York is found in What Should We Do About Davey by Julius Fast; yes, Howard's brother.)


Jody particularly likes the part of Goldman's last book starting on page 255, as the ethnographer discusses being around for the rediscovery of native mourning rites and other rituals from elders after a period of widespread missionary conversions. And then here's something else funny/weird that happened. (They caught the guy. It wasn't the photographer, that was Jody too.)



Jody is also regularly seen online appreciating works by Haus of Decline (who also did below), The Bugbear Dispatch/Chrissy StroopFlaming Hydra, Steve Pikelny, Jason Novak and [others who feel like it would be appropiate to mention, anyone happening here should also check them out for better artistic or non-business content]. Art is teaching. He also likes games. He won't forget 9/11, if it matters, nor Red Light Robinhood. And, was proud to help restart the now-(in)famous Miller Place High School Variety Show in Miller Place, NY in '95 with student executive council of McCabe, Jessica Bing & Britton Kelley. See "A note on names." And here's a game or two or three or...